Women and the Spirit of the New Deal Conference

A Conference at UC Berkeley


In collaboration with the Frances Perkins Center and the National New Deal Preservation Association we hosted “Women and the Spirit of the New Deal,” on Friday and Saturday, October 5 and 6, at the University of California, Berkeley. The gathering filled a significant gap in understanding about the New Deal—the crucial role of women in guiding its programs.

“Women and the Spirit of the New Deal” featured a number of leading writers, scholars, and activists. Please click here to view the program, presenters, and conference schedule.

Professor Robert Reich, former Secretary of Labor and author of The Work of Nations; Saving Capitalism; and the documentary, Inequality

Kirstin Downey, co-winner of a Pulitzer Prize and biographer of Frances Perkins—the first woman to serve in a presidential cabinet

Susan Quinn, author of two books about women of the New Deal: Eleanor and Hick, and Furious Improvisation, about the director of the Federal Theatre Project, Hallie Flanagan

Dyanna Taylor, documentary filmmaker of Grab a Hunk of Lightning, about her grandmother, Dorothea Lange

Robin Gerber, author of Leadership the Eleanor Roosevelt Way

Dr. Eileen Boris, Professor of Feminist Studies, UC Santa Barbara, co-author of Caring for America: Home Health Workers in the Shadow of the Welfare State

Photos from the Conference


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Thank you to our sponsors for their support.


Robert Chlebowski
David W. Gates, Jr.
Tom Given
Linda Gregory
Alfred and Ruth Heller
June Hopkins
Grace Roosevelt
David Rumsey
David and Julie Schnapf